Saturday, May 15, 2010

May 11, 2010 through May 14, 2010

This week has been an interesting one to say the least. I have gone through the steps of a miscarriage and all of the doctor check-ups that go along with the occassion. Now this pregnancy was so early that to any other person they would have just thought that their period was really late. I just know that we pray that next time will not be like this time. I have learned that miscarriages do make up about 70% of all pregnancies in the world. The motto now is, "try and try again."

On to a happier note, today is May 15th and there is a celebration among the ASU baseball team today. The seniors are having a banquet after the double header today. It's going to be great and a nice celebration of all of their hard work. Josh loves this team and all of the work that he does with the team. I think that he is looking forward to many years of this profession and he hopes that the seniors feel as if he has helped them throughout their college baseball career. I am very proud! Go mountaineers!

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