Saturday, November 7, 2009

Appalachian Halloween

Halloween in Boone was very exciting this year because WE ACTUALLY HAD TRICK OR TREATERS. I was so happy that I could hardly stand it. Josh decided to be a gangster and I decided to be a leopard. It was a lot of fun because I already had leopard pants, a leopard scarf, leopard gloves, etc. and all that I had to buy was a shirt that was leopard that had a tail on the back, and leopard ears. That was the fun part and of course Wal Mart had exactly what I needed. Josh had a toy gun to go along with his gangster outfit and he would keep it down inside his pants. It was funny! The trick or treaters started coming around 5:00 and they just didn't stop until about 8:30. They pretty much ate all of our candy except for like 5 dum dums that seriously have been in the candy bowl for about 6 months now or maybe even longer so this was alright with us.

One of my students at Merry-Land Academy came by to show us her lovely outfit along with her Mom Jennifer and her Mom's boyfriend Chad. They are such a nice family and I am glad that they decided to make the drive out to us. I was glad to open our home up to them and wish that they would come over more often. :)

After the trick or treaters moved on and probably went to bed at home we had a party at our house. We had decorated up the inside as well as had our jack o lantern on the front porch and the door was decorated also. I had set out some goodies on the counter and several drinks as well. People brought their own drinks but we had soft drinks just in case for those that would be the drivers instead of the drinkers. It was nice! I took pictures of it and I'm going to share those with you. I wish that I had gotten more of everyone else at the party. I am working on getting some of those from others profiles to share with you.
Next year we are definitely going to top these costumes and make it tradition to always decorate for the occassion. :)

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