Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The New House in Boone

We have finally found where we are going to be moving to in Boone. It's a 3 bedroom 2 bath house on Blairmont Drive. It's near the hospital, near the golf course in Boone, and definitely closer to both of our jobs than living in Blowing Rock. I think that that will cut down on a lot of anxiety in the winter for sure. Here are some pictures of the house up above. It has a deck with a view. The dogs will love having more space. There is a washer/dryer and a dishwasher and a 2 car garage. We are very excited. The move in date has been scheduled for starting on July 22nd and then ending on July 26th. I think that this will give us some time to get things out and into the new house. Thank goodness we are only moving across town and not 2 hours away this time. This will be a relief as well. Another big thing about this house is it has AIR CONDITIONING. This is a big find for anywhere in Boone/Blowing Rock. I am excited to be back in business in the air department. Apparently other people in the mountains didn't get the memo that it gets hot here too and sometimes air is necessary. Now the mountains definitely are cooler than other areas of the state but air should never be ruled out. If anyone would like to help us move let us know! :)

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